
Showing posts from November, 2019

Test Day

Today in class we had our quiz on the world's five main religions. I was a little unsure about some of the questions, mainly the ones between Hinduism and Buddhism, as they were easy to get confused. I was of course confident in the questions on Christianity, and I think I did pretty well on Judaism and Islam. I'm glad we had a chance in class on Friday to go over these questions and study a quizlet. I hope exams aren't too hard for this class, and I'm sure it won't be compared to some other classes. Well that's all for today, see you after break!

World Religions

Today in class we learned all about the five main world religions. These five were Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism, going in order of number of followers from greatest to least. Most of these religions have a center figure that they follow such as Jesus or Muhammad. but the religion of Hinduism has rather a series of intellectual results and points. All of these religions have the same motives however, to make the person following that religion a better and happy person. In Buddhism, there is not really a clear number of followers, because of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. They are the lists that are hard to follow, but leads to a cessation of suffering. See you Monday for the test!

Test Review and World Religions

Today, we spent most of our class time to go over our test answers, and I was not expecting I was going to do as good as I did. The only questions I had trouble on were the ones where we had to pick between the 4 countries as the correct answer. We also took tome of our class time to start our lesson on the Five Major Religions which are Christianity, Judaism, Islamic, Buddhism, and Hinduism. So far we have only done Christianity, and being Christians, its all information we already know. We have learned something that is new hover, and that is Christianity is the biggest religion having 2.2 billion followers. That's all for today, see you soon.

Test Day

Today in class we had our test on Population, which was 40 questions and I thought I did pretty well on. On this test, there was questions about the CIA World Factbook, and a few questions involving Population Pyramids. On the Population Pyramids, we had to pick between 5 counties and take a guess as to what country it belonged to. We also had questions on some of the vocabulary terms involving population such as Net Migration Rate or Total Fertility Rate. We didn't have any questions on Han's Roslings video however, but there were lots of questions from the TED-ED video. I think I did pretty well on it, and I'll see you again soon.

Presentation Aftermath

Today in class we finished up the last presentation and talked about Tanzania for the rest of the class. We talked about how we tend to think about a central African country as a place with just huts and dirty water everywhere there, but really there are very large cites and high skyscrapers. In the presentations we also saw lots of kids, showing the fast growing population. It shows what we see on the news and on the internet and what there really is in the actual country. We also saw how corrupt some of these countries can be, and how much they are not taking advantage of their own resources. That's all for me today, see you soon.

Colombia and Germany

Today in class we took the whole time to work further on our presentations for problems and solutions for two different countries. one of the countries picked was Colombia, which unfortunately has an economy based around selling drugs like cocaine. Also we are the biggest consumers of these drugs as well. One solution our group came up with is quit selling drugs to start growing helpful crops such as coffee and flowers. Our other country is Germany, and they have an overflow of immigrants in their country. One solution to this problem is to take time to stop accepting new immigrants to the country to prevent overpopulation. That's all for today, see you tomorrow.

Country Presentations!

Today in class we started to work on our presentations about problems and solutions in developing and post-industrial countries. The way we picked groups was by having four team captains, and they would go up and pick people for groups. This way they would not hurt feeling by letting people know who was last. Our group picked Colombia as our developing country, and Germany as the post-industrial country.  A problem with Colombia is its drug production, as it is basically the only source of income besides things like coffee beans. It also doesn't help that we are the biggest buyer of these drugs too. That's all for me today, see you Monday!

Chapter Review Questions

Today in class we looked back at some of the terms we have been learning recently. Besides those questions, we also learned about what life was like 20-30 years ago. For example, we learned how life with typewriters was, and how far we have come in such a short amount of time. We reviewed terms like Net Migration Rate, Total Fertility Rate, and GDP per capita. This blog may seem a little shorter as usual, as we didn't write down any new notes. Well, see you tomorrow!

In-Class Population Assignment

1) a) Around the world, there is a birth rate of 18.2 and a death rate of 7.7. The numbers show a very strong difference which reflects the populations growth. It means there is over twice the amount of people being born as ones who are dying. b) Brazil has a net migration rate of -0.1. This is because of the population is poor and sick, and are trying to get out of poverty. This number also takes into account the number of people who are arriving for tourism, which still isn't enough to get the number above 0. c) There are many different racial groups living in America such as white (72.4%), black (12.6%), and Asian (4.8%). There are many others, and it shows the diversity in America and why it is called the Melting Pot. This shows the amount of immigrants that must have come in to make the numbers so high compared to other countries.  d) China has a population of  1,384,688,986 (in 2018). This is because  of the poor population, and the already large population to ...