Athens and Sparta Poem

If there's two city-states that go head to head,
what comes to mind are of course Athens and Sparta.

When they fought they would fight to the last,
when Athens had sails flying on the mast.
With Athens with their navel ships,
the Trieme had the quickest trips.
Since no boats had any guns,
ramming was the way they won.

Sparta was also very fierce,
with their men armed with spears that pierce.
To keep the enemies overwhelmed,
they used the Phalanx to keep them at helm.
Mostly on the ground is when they win,
trained from young boys to fight for their kings.

These two city-states rarely came together,
but the Persians were what kept them tethered.
They tried their best, and with all their might,
Greece won to see another night.


  1. Nice work, Andrew. Actually a pretty good poem! Good rhyming and structure.


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