What is a Site?

Today in class we learned what a site was. A site is a physical character of a place, and how you can describe a location of a place. You can describe a site based on climate, water, topography, soil, vegetation, latitude, and elevation. An important fact about a site is that humans are able to modify the characteristics of a site. We also looked st some of examples of a site, including Manhattan, which is twice the size then it originally was. They do this by sinking ships for a sturdy foundation, then pilling trash and dirt on top. Over time, this compacts and can handle the intense pressure of buildings. Another site is New Orleans, which is a very bad area considering the dangers it faces with flooding. People keep wanting to rebuild it however, even though it is unsafe and a lot of money to keep rebuilding. We also learned that our site is directly on the other side of North Korea.


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