Three 3 Videos

Khan Academy Video:

  1. Faith can play a major part in how many kids are born in a family.
  2. Now children are seen as an economic burden, rather then having the kids bring back money for the family through factory jobs.
  3. The population may stabilize one day due to lack of resources and hunger.
Kim Smith Video:

  1. It takes about two decades for the population to adapt to technology, which decreases mortality rates.
  2. There is something called a Demographic Trap, which some believe can set a country back into stage one. 
  3. Stage two is when sanitation and and health care make the mortality rate go down and people start to live longer.
Why Populations Grow

  1. There are more children in developing countries due to both fewer contraceptives, and a need for labor around the farm.
  2. A reason of a high death rate could actually be from something like a lack of education.
  3. The two main and biggest reasons for growth is Net Migration and The Rate of Natural Increase
My favorite video from the three is that last one, or the "Why Populations Grow" video because it was more entertaining to watch with its charts and photos. I also thought it was clear and straightforward.


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