Three 3 Videos
Khan Academy Video:
- Faith can play a major part in how many kids are born in a family.
- Now children are seen as an economic burden, rather then having the kids bring back money for the family through factory jobs.
- The population may stabilize one day due to lack of resources and hunger.
- It takes about two decades for the population to adapt to technology, which decreases mortality rates.
- There is something called a Demographic Trap, which some believe can set a country back into stage one.
- Stage two is when sanitation and and health care make the mortality rate go down and people start to live longer.
- There are more children in developing countries due to both fewer contraceptives, and a need for labor around the farm.
- A reason of a high death rate could actually be from something like a lack of education.
- The two main and biggest reasons for growth is Net Migration and The Rate of Natural Increase
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