Section 3 Assesment

1) a) With Direct Democracy, citizens can rule directly and not through representatives.
b) Classical Art was made in the golden age, and showed beauty, balance, and calmness.
c) Tragedies were serious plays about war or love that provided entertainment to everyone.
d) Comedies were the opposite of tragedies, with humor and slapstick jokes to make people laugh.
e) The Peloponnesian War was the 10 year long war between Athens and Sparta. It later ended in a truce in 421 B.C.
f) The thinkers of Greece who fought to seek the truth were called philosophers.
g) Socrates was a great thinker, who was a critic of the Sophists, and made people question themselves morally.
h) Plato was a student of Socrates, and wanted to form a government based on insight, and also wrote "Allegory in the Cave"
i) Aristotle was the student of Plato, and came close to summarizing the knowledge of his time. He also made the method to arguing with rules of logic.

2) The greatest goal that still has an impact on us today is a stronger democracy. Pericles had the bright idea to pay the people in public office, meaning even poor people could get the chance to run if they have the support. I think this was the greatest because it is something we see in a lot of successful countries even now. People will always be happier in a country where they can pick their leaders. 

3) As I stated in the last question, to make Athens democracy strengthen, he started to pay for the officials salaries. This meant that politicians weren't all rich, and gave an advantage to more poor citizens. Also with Direct Democracy, regular citizens had the power to elect people.

5) Socrates might have been unpopular to the citizens to Athens because he encouraged people to think even more then they have before. They also might not of understood his reasoning for making them do that.


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