Alexander and his Horse

  Today we have been assigned to write all about the relationship of Alexander the Great, and his trusty steed Bucephalus. Well as you said, he was only 13 when the two met, and this was when Alexander stopped a few attendants who tried to take Bucephalus away for being too wild. Then the boy made a bet that he could tame it, and all the other people all laughed at him. Alexander realized something interesting that others couldn't, that the horse was afraid of it's own shadow. This was the way that Alexander was able to tame him so quickly, and the two became inseparable. Later, they fought in so many battles, ranging from the city-states, Thebes, Gaugamela, and India. They were so connected that when Bucephalus was kidnapped, Alexander said he would destroy everything, and kill everyone. It's unknown how the horse died, but Alexander loved him so much he named a city, Bucephala, in his honor. It's very impressive how he only took one horse to ride, and used him throughout all his battles. 


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