The First Day of Cyberwork

   Right now we are learning about Pericles, and what he planned to do for the greater good of Athens. Anyway, the statesmen Pericles was a fair man who helped lead Athens in it's highest times, the Golden Age. This man had three goals for the city-state, to strengthen their democracy, to hold/strengthen their military, and to glorify it. He also wanted a direct democracy, which is when you have a government that is completely ruled by the people. This means there are no representatives to serve for them, making Athens one of the most democratic places of all time. There was also something called Delian League. This was formed after the defeat of the Persians, and had Athens take control over most of the city-states. It also helped to strengthen Greece's security by taking money from the league's treasury, and using it to make warships. This did make enemies though, and Sparta was one of them.


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