Test Prep and Slides 32-42

On June 2nd, and at 8:00 to 8:50, our section will be taking the test on Ancient Rome. When Julius Caesar gained power, he was very successful, and had the whole army on his side due to soldiers loyalty to leaders, not to Rome. He also made everyone in Rome happy, and created the first Triumvirate with himself, Pompey, and Crassus. Due to his military power, he completely took over Gaul and even crossed the Rubicon, called the point of no return. After that victory, Pompey is jealous because Caesar appoints himself as the new governor of Gaul. Then in 44 BC, he is given the role as a dictator, which eventually gave him power for life. He actually made some decent reforms like giving jobs to the poor and giving citizenship to provinces. He was assassinated however, as seen the Shakespeare play, by senators who saw Caesar as a threat to Rome's republic.


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